Friday, June 4, 2010

Weyburn to Portal N.D.

This morning conditions were perfect for travelling. Strong tailwind, flat country and no monsoon. Today felt like the first day of summer. I was zipping along across the prairies in front of the wind. "Driftin' along like a tumblin' tumble weed". There were a few moments which I have stored away in memory for times when the going is not so nice. CBC on the radio, legs moving in a nice easy lope and the kms. dropping away behind. Perfect. After about 85 kms. Estevan appeared on the horizon. Weyburn is Grain. Estevan is Coal and Oil. Above are two pieces of antique mining equipment which are on display at the tourist information booth.

The coal hauler dates from 1948. Just like me! The electric shovel dates from the late thirties. Pretty small compared to what is being used today. The top photo was taken a few kms. East of Estevan where they are busy tearing up large swaths of prairie. In the background is a coal fired generating plant. It made me queasy seeing what is being done there. We really need to move away from this huge carbon footprint way of generating power. For one - the wind. It was blowing a steady 35 kms. an hour for all day and not a wind turbine anywhere to be seen.
Coal is cheaper I guess, if you don't count the environmental cost.

East of Estevan you cross the Souris River and run into a few hills before it flattens out again. Crossed into North Dakota and got a motel as there are no campgrounds within 40 km of the border each way. Good day today. Did 130 kms. so made up for yesterday a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Finally a good day of riding for you!!!
    Go Ian Go!!!!!
