Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fosston to Cass Lake

Left Fosston in a light drizzle and headwind put kept plugging along and was not doing to bad until the trailer "had issues" Found a tiny shard of beer bottle glass in the tube. O.K. so you just sit there in the drizzle and deal with it. After a half hour delay It was back to cranking and the head wind had died down.
Here's Bemidji's claim to fame. Paul Bunyon and his blue Ox Babe. In the tourist booth by these statues is an antique two man chainsaw. They said the legend was that Paul used it with one hand like a hedge trimmer. The gave me an email contact and I promised to find out more about the saw so they could put up a plaque by it. Tom at the Gray Creek store once sold me a book on the history of chainsaws.
Today Bemidji was abuzz with excitement as it was the annual Kraus - Anderson Walleye derby. The fellow on stage held up a five pounder he had just brought in which was the best fish so far. It would be worth $1000 cash if it ended up being the best fish. Most of the fish were kept in water for the weigh in and then released. Had not too bad a day with about 100 km.

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