Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bruce Mines to Blind River

Part of the day was spent travelling along beside the Mississasauga River. Interesting day with an earthquake ahead of me and tornadoes behind. Didn't see or feel anything of either. My main obstacle was thunder showers. I dodged some of them but drove through three real soakers. At one point I wasn't fast enough getting into my rain gear when one caught up to me from behind. I dodged under a big tree beside the road to get into it when the resident invited me in to his porch. I talked to the family man who was a miner from Sudbury. Inco there has been on strike for a year so he had finally given up and moved away after having lived there all his life.
How can you tell when you are in shield country? You don't have a front lawn because there is a big chunk of glacier polished k-spar granite sticking up instead. Land was rolling today which always slows you down. The slow going up one side is not made up for by the swoop down the other side. Not feeling quite up to snuff physically myself. Gave up in a steady drizzle at Blind River as there was nothing more for quite a way. Should have a tail wind tomorrow so should be able to get most of the way Sudbury.


  1. Love the lawn - a lot less grass to mow

  2. Hey Ian - thanks for all the great updates - we're sure enjoying reading about your incredible journey. Mark said you should "turn around soon and come home, your BMW is starting to rust".
    I laughed out loud when I read your comment about being at the bottom of the pecking order - we feel like that on the motorcycle sometimes - I guess, yeah, you're even further down. Sounds like you're meeting lots of wonderful people, too. Take care & keep on biking.

  3. Talked to Ian tonight. He said to stay tuned. He is travelling through a wireless free area.....Shelley
