Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 24 Blind River to Serpent River

Here's a bit of a view of Lake Huron, the North Chanel. This is between Manitoulin Island and the mainland. Back into shield country here lots of up and down but had a nice tail wind so could not complain.
Here's what I had for Breakfast. Stopped for a bathroom break and realized I was standing in a blue berry patch so pushed over into an uncontaminated part and pecked away. Most of them are not ripe yet but I will be keeping an eye out for them from now on.
Here's the old protestant cemetery near Walford. The only reason I took this picture was because of the one below.
The Catholic one was directly across the highway from it. I guess at this time it was not acceptable to be buried with the wrong type of people. Made pretty good time into Serpent river and just got the tent set up when the sky ripped open and dumped it's contents on me. One I'm in the tent it's fine but it makes it a bit more work in the morning to try to get things dried out before packing it away. No internet at the serpent river campground.

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