Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ironwood to Kenton

Headed East from Ironwood on the border across the U.P. (Upper Peninsula) today. At Wakefield left highway 2 and swung onto the more northerly route of Highway 28. It's similar to highway 2 but much less car traffic. They only give you about 20 inches of shoulder. Fewer towns, much less settled with long stretches of unbroken forest. Only two radio stations, one Christian and the other Country. By the end of today I was feeling guilty about not having "washed in the blood of the lamb". I have been well washed in the blood of a moose and various other ungulates but I don't think that counts.
Here's the guys that you have to share Highway 28 with. Pulpers loaded to the gunnels and running flat out. The also figure that cyclists are pretty well the bottom of the highway pecking order. The Northern forests are the main employer in these parts. Lots of pulp wood and oak logs being taken out.
This is also cottage country. This little country pub is on lake Gogibec. The patrons inside were crowded around the one flat screen T.V. listening to the CEO of B.P. - Hayward, talking about how sorry he was that he has ruined the Gulf of Mexico. Some of them were ready to form a lynching party. I bought some water and stayed out of the debate. Made it to just outside the Hamlet of Kenton (110 kms.) . Strong side wind from the south but I was mostly protected by the forest. Got a Michigan sticker today. Missed getting one for Wisconsin though.


  1. I see that the weather has improved for you at last. Happy biking - Lynn

  2. Hope that you are having a good trip.
