Friday, June 18, 2010

Kenton to Harvey

Rode past his tidy small rural church near Covington this morning. It is the Trinity Lutheran which seems to be the most popular denomination in the U.P.
A little farther on this backward redi-mix concrete truck came into view. This is set up backwards to any redi-mix truck I have seen in Canada. Must be some local condition which it is designed to handle. Yoopers can't back up?
This sign shows that the term Yooper is an actual term which refers to people of the U.P. I remember this place being here when we crossed the country ten years ago but it has got bigger. The sign claims that this is the world's largest operating chain saw. Looks dangerous.
This is as far as I got today. The photo was taken looking west back across Superior to the City of Marquette. The main obstacle today was the heat. It was near ninety degrees this afternoon with high humidity from the lake. I was leaving a trail of sweat and drinking a liter an hour. At one point I was gulping down my last mouthful of water when Mike and Doreen and their golden lab pulled up beside me. They are mutual friends of Bernie and me. We made arrangements to meet at their summer place in the Sault and the lab gave up a bottle of water for me. Quite good water. That got me to the next gas station. Good conditions today other than the heat so made 130 km. to Harvey.

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