Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sault Ste Marie

Day off today at Mike and Doreen's but lots of interesting things to do. Mike fired up his MGB and moved it out of the garage. Then got the tractor running and used it to move the sailboat out of the garage.
Next was to put the boat cradle together and bring the sailboat around on to it. Here Mike is tightening the last few bolts as an iron ore freighter goes by in the back ground. We are only a few miles from the Soo locks here and there is a fair amount of ship traffic going by in front. This one is set up to unload itself with the conveyor just above the hatch covers.
Here's Mike and Ginger out for their first boat ride of the season. After a swim in the lake we went out to a big pasta and meat ball feed which was a benefit dinner for a family which had been in a tragic car crash. Met a good many people who were there for a good cause. This was the project for this morning. We needed to disconnect the plumbing to the well and pound the suction pipe down farther into the water table. That went fine and we eventually got a good flow going. It was a wet foggy wet day so I was not in a big rush to get going. Nevertheless it was time to get rolling again after a relaxing day and a half.

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