Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Warba to Superior

Here's one of the obstacles which I faced today. The cars get to run on the nice new pavement but the bikes have to bump along on the beat up shoulder. For the first hour today at least it was sunny and I got to wear my Team colours. Then it started spitting and kept that up for the rest of the day. Steady headwind so it took a long eight hours to get to Duluth.
Just as I was coming into Duluth I was hailed by a motorist who offered to show me the way through town. He was a cyclist himself and knew I would end up going the wrong way. Brian escorted me through town to the bridge over the St. Louis river into Wisconsin. At the other side he met me again and invited me home to meet his family and a home made meal and a warm place to sleep for the night.
Here is Brian with his wife Rebecca behind him and his family. After supper we had a slide show in the kitchen and told stories of various travel adventures. Brain is a Graphic Artist who works for the Library board and Rebecca runs a day care out of their home. What a good family.

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