Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 29 Penbroke to Panmure

The weather was good And I made good time headed South of Pembroke today. This Plaque was beside the road near Cobden. Champlain must have said some bad words in French when he reached into his pack for his astrolabe and found it gone. This was in 1613 so when he got to Mattawa in 1615 he had already lost it. Now the truth comes out. He probably put Mattawa in the wrong place on the map because he had no Astrolabe!
Crossed the Mississipi one more time today It's considerably larger here than it was where I met the grouchy tortoise. If you enlarge this photo you might be able to see the beaver who was swimming along near the shore on the right side.

Near the end of the day I stopped to admire this stone farmhouse and ask directions. Anne and Keith Bell invited me into their home for the night and treated me like Royalty. Anne keeps this home which was built around 1860 spotless. She fed me supper, breakfast and packed me a lunch for the road. Keith is a retired senior civil servant who dedicated himself to doing what was right. We need more people like this.

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome house. Imagine it lasting that long. That is amazing
