Thursday, June 3, 2010

Milestone to Weyburn

Woke up this morning to the steady drumming of heavy rainfall on my tent. Packed up trying to keep everything from getting soaked which I was able to do not to badly except for the tent. Above is a photo of Yellow Grass which holds the Canadian record high temperature of 114 degrees F set on July 5, 1937. Today the grass was not yellow. It was wet and green and the temp was about ten degrees C. Wind was almost straight at me all day so was not making too good time. In the afternoon we got a brief break so I got out of my suit and tried to make better time. After a short time I noticed huge thunderheads building up behind me.
It was not that far to Weyburn so I decided to try to outrun the storm. Lightning was flashing to the right and left at close range as I got to the outskirts of town. My heart monitor was well into the red zone. That is where the storm caught me and nearly pelted me off the road. When I got into the circle 6 motel a puddle was forming under me on their carpet. The lady behind the desk was quite sympathetic and let me use their big industrial dryer to dry out the tent and do laundry.
I could not pass through Weyburn without a visit to the Canadian Legion. In this photo I am standing under a photo of the Corvette class warship HMCS Weyburn. My Uncle John was on that ship when it was sunk off Gibraltar in 1943. Judy who looks after the branch took the picture and was interested to hear what details I could give her of the sinking of the ship. Only made sixty km. today with the rotten weather.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ian!!

    What a trek you are making! I just read all your past blogs (with lots of chuckling) and will be following the rest intently. Keep riding and keep writing! Watch out for the heavy haulers.

