Friday, June 11, 2010

Crookston to Fosston

Spent the day pushing against a persistent headwind and gradually climbing out of the Red River valley. Initially it was deep black soil, crops of Sugar beets, grain and very prosperous looking farms. Within a few miles it changed dramatically into hay field and forest. Two things to note in the photo of Irvine above. Trees - these are not planted for protection from the wind like I have seen for the last two weeks. They just grew there! When I started east on Highway 2 I thought - No more noisy CPR - good! I won't have to wear ear plugs at night anymore. Not so fast - there are rail cars here - Burlington Northern! Bummer.
Minnesota has the best rest stops of anywhere I have passed through yet. Solid well maintained brick buildings with water and power. Some double as tourist info and all have vending machines. Great!
Small town Minnesota. Lots of Scandinavian heritage here. This a Norwegian flag I believe. This area was settled in the 1880's so the people have been here for about 130 years and still advertise the country of their forefathers.

Weather was not too bad today. I only got rained on once for about an hour. Battling the headwind kept my distance to 80 km. It was not raining here in Fosston so I'm camped at the edge of town. Got wireless internet in Subway.


  1. Getting closer to the Great lakes!!!!!! Just love the pictures of the area

  2. Back to my map to see where you are

  3. Hi Ian, you are making great time. Great job with your blog updates. My friends Mike and Doreen are headed to Sault St. Marie on Wednesday (phone # 705-779-2264)so they should pass you. Mike hopes you can stay a night at their cottage. I lost your email address so send me a quick note at
