Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rugby to Devil's Lake

As you move East in N.D. the land gradually drops in elevation and becomes wetter. There are lakes and marshes everywhere. People are driving around with small boats on top of their cars on pulled around behind. Bait shops abound. In places signs warn that the road may be under water, and it very nearly is. This morning I changed my tactic for travelling. I decided that since it usually clouds over in the afternoon and rains I would get up at first light and get as many kms. in before the weather turned sour. This is exactly what happened. I made the hundred kms. to Devil's Lake by 1:00 in the afternoon. By 1:30 I had my tent set up and was dropping off for a nap when the storm hit. This was a good time to be off the road. It was a short but violent storm. The people at Ackerman's Acres fishing resort do not charge cyclists! Just make a donation - which I was pleased to do. They have a great place here. They welcomed me into the Lodge to set up my computer and have a hot shower. Pretty nice.
Here's a couple of fisher men who just pulled a walleye in and held it up to show me as I pedalled past.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying your travels as I sit in my armchair, hearing about the storms and then going to my bed while you are tenting in the rain etc!!!!
