Monday, May 31, 2010

Swift Current to Chaplin

Gopher death row just east of Swift Current. There was a dead one about every ten feet. The gophers had their colony on both sides of the freeway and every time they went to visit their neighbors they were playing Russian Roulette with cars. Hawks were circling overhead. Some were actually quite fresh and I briefly considered cooking one up to add to my can of stew but couldn't go through with it. Such a waste of perfectly good gopher meat.

Combine bone yard near Herbert. This is where old combines who are too old to work any more are put out to pasture.

The great salt lake of Chaplin. They get some sort of Sodium compound from the precipitates which settle out of the water here. Had an easy day today with only eighty five kms. Good steady tail wind. Didn't want to get caught out in the middle of nowhere with a storm brewing so ducked into Chaplin and camped here. Had a quick cruise through the town on the way to the campground and noticed a small billiards place on main street so I'll go and see if these flatlanders can shoot pool after supper.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa!!!!
    You're steaming along there Mr. Oliver!!
    Hope the weather gets better for you as you go along......
    Good on ya!!
    Love the posts....keep them coming.
