Friday, May 28, 2010

Brooks to "The Hat"

Just as you leave Brooks, heading east, there is a small pretty lake which they have made into a park. I was surprised to see two large pelicans paddling around. Maybe they have fled the mess in the Gulf of Mexico! Before long the country side flattens out. Not much to see. Grass and sky for km. after km. Sky that goes a heck of a long way. When you see a train off in the distance you can see the whole train. Us mountain people are not used to this. If you look closely at the center picture you will see four antelope. They are quite shy and did not like me stopping and taking their photo. They were a fair way away but definitely within 300 magnum range. The bottom photo is of a little gopher who came right up to me and hinted that I should share my last snack bar with him. He carefully groomed my fingers with his tiny paws to make sure he got every last bit. He was a pro scrounger for sure. Cold wet day most of the day. Raining hard by the time I ran out of steam at Medicine Hat. The forecast tonight is for rain mixed with snow so hope that is done by morning. Had to get a cheapo motel and throw my stuff in the dryer. Brought the bike into the room to clean and lube the chain and shifters as it was starting to blow shifts. Too much salt and sand in the works.

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