Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gray Creek and Balfour

May 16 th. turned out to be a busy and interesting day. The day had been set aside to give Beth a hand around the place and have a visit with Uncle John in Gray Creek. One of the small jobs Beth needed done was to repair a broken hinge on a garden gate. After a bit of sleuthing I found a fellow back in the bush above Gray Creek who did an excellent job of welding it for me. Once we had introduced ourselves he said "Oh If you are Jim Oliver's son you might like to see this." He took me out to the back of his shop and there was Dad's old jeep. It had passed through various hands and eventually ended up slowly mouldering into the ground in a junkyard up in the bush. I asked him not to crush it just yet. We might like to resurrect it for sentimental reasons. Then it was over to Uncle John's for tea and a tour of his projects. His latest was a deluxe gazebo where he can put his feet up and enjoy the view out towards the mountains. Uncle John will be ninety in July and is still very much in charge of his own affairs. Then it was a quick trip back over to the other side to go to the barbecue. Bruce gave me the tour of his boat the "Misty Winds" and brought me up to speed on happenings in Fort Mac. Before long the lobster pot was boiling and we were dropping them in. Haven't had fresh lobster since I was in New Brunswick so it was a treat. Great time had by all but I had to pull out early and catch the boat back to the other side. I saved treats from the barbecue for Beth and Buddy.

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