Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Riondell to Erickson

May 17th I was up early and cranking down the Lake. On the main lake the wind usually blows from the south in the afternoon so I wanted to get down the lake before the wind started up against me. Above is a shot of the old grey Creek store. Couldn't go by there with out stopping for a cold pop. As the day wore on the weather got cloudier which is better than sweltering along. CBC was telling me that there were thunder storms headed my so when I got to Creston I was looking for a place to hide from them. I was directed to the campground in Erickson which turned out to be perfect. Had my tent set up under some trees but when it started to rain they told me to move it up on to the bandstand. There I found a huge old couch which drew me to it like a magnet. In about thirty seconds I was sound asleep. When snooze time was over I made use of their laundry room to do a small load. While waiting for that, two interesting people came over to chat. Carlos and Yolanda are language professors from Mexico. They brought over a bottle of good red wine and we sipped on that while solving the world's problems. One of the nicest aspects of travelling is bumping into new people and getting their view on things. All the exercise and glass of red wine gave me the best nights sleep yet.

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