Thursday, May 27, 2010

Calgary to Brooks

Over the last several days I have been tied up in Calgary but was finally able to get away today. One of the last jobs was to pick up Heddy's new (to her ) bike. Here she is trying it out in the back alley. It will be fine for zipping around Prestwick but not for mountain passes. It was snowing when Jason and I left Calgary this afternoon. He was to take me to Bassano which was as far as I got before Ruby got sick and I had to turn back. At least it was not snowing there so I climbed on and got going - this time with the Bob trailer. Lots more room for camping gear. Good thing I have decent rain gear because it got the torture test today. Every time a big truck went by I got hit with a wall of water! See bottom photo. When I was about twenty km. from Brooks I was doing about twenty km an hour so thought "good I'll be there in an hour." No such luck. The wind swung around and was hitting me almost head on. With fifteen km. to go I was making fifteen km. an hour. With ten km. to go I was down to ten km. an hour. At that point I realized with a shock that theoretically I would never get to Brooks! It was like the half life of radioactive elements we learned about in High school. They never totally decay, just loose half each time. Nevertheless I did eventually wobble into Brooks and lugged the bike, complete with good camping gear into a warm dry motel room.

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