Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Moyie to Fernie

I got an early start from Moyie to make up for the short day before. Conditions were very good with a good tail wind and I made fast time to Cranbrook and points East. The warm wet weather had swollen the Elk River to what looked to be pretty close to full flood. That is about two weeks early because it usually doesn't peak until the first week of June. By Afternoon I was in Fernie and stopped in to say hello to old friends Sandy and Bernie Pulsifer. I had intended to go a bit farther that day but was easily persuaded to spend the night. It was a chance to have good chats and catch up on family news. Bernie introduced me to his new Border Colllie. He has enlisted the dog Kinna to help in his fight with cancer. Kinna is a high energy dog and that rubs off on Bernie. When you have a Border Collie you can't just sit around and watch T.V. Shown is the dog pulling mountain bike arrangemant which Bernie has set up. The same set up works with cross country skiis in the winter. Bernie was wearing his latest wonder drug chemo set up that day. What is even better for beating cancer is a good attitude and Bernie has that in spades. We had a delicious barbecue on their comfortable patio and talked late into the evening. The warm memories generated from that visit will stay with me for a good long time. Good luck Bernie.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ian....good times for sure!!!
    Definitely inspiration to keep the BernDawg going!!
