Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Trail to Riondell

May 15th turned out to be a good travelling day. Not too hot or cold and with a slight breeze from behind. Rolled past Castelgar and along the river past the Hydro dams on the kootenay. had a quick lunch in Nelson and pushed on along the West Arm of Kootenay lake. Dropped in to see Auntie Beth in Nelson but missed her. Stopped for a rest and took a few minutes to admire the home built from the top three decks of the old Nasookin stern wheeler. It was nice to see it being kept in good condition. Before jumping on the Ferry I checked in to see if workmate Bruce Woolaver was in at the Balfour Beach Inn. Too bad - just missed him as he was out in his boat. It had been a pretty long day but the steepest part was still to do coming up out of the ferry landing. Even after turning off to Riondell it is still uphill steady for another four kms. It was good to finally feel the bike crest over the top and start to pick up speed down into Riondell. Here Beth and little Buddy were happy to see me. I had only been there for a few minutes when my cell rang and it was Bruce in Balfour. He said "Ian you have to come back tomorrow. I am having my big annual barbecue and lobster cookup!"O.K. I knew what I was doing the next day. This was not to be missed. Fresh lobster from Nova Scotia and a party on the beach.

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