Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fernie to Elkford

May 20th was a good day to drink coffee, eat breakfast and chat in Sandy's kitchen. It was warm and dry in there and outside the rain poured down. I stalled for a couple of hours but the rain was not letting up. If anything it was increasing so once again I pulled on the full rain suit, said our goodbyes and headed out. It wasn't actullay that bad. It is mostly only slightly uphill to Sparwood and a strong rainy tail wind pushed me along. In Sparwood I paused at the cafe by the big truck for a hot chochlate and a muffin. Inside were was a Dutch couple cycling West. They had to head into a strong headwind and nearly freezing rain. I chatted with them for a few minutes offering encouragement and then Richard Mosiondz popped in the door. He had taken time out of his busy day to pick me up for a visit with him and Darlene. I would not go past Elkford without paying our long time friends a visit. They live on a horse ranch south of Elkford and raise Morgan horses. Richard works at Fording River mine and Darlene commutes daily to Fernie to Falkins Insurance. On top of this busy existance is the running of the Coalminers Gallery framing business. I was able to return the favour of a ride from Richard by taking photos of his horses which are ready to sell. Darlene is an excellent cook so I probably gained back a couple of the pounds I had been losing.

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