Monday, May 24, 2010


Hope up to the Allison pass is a long grind and it would be a killer in the heat. Thankfully it was a wet windy day when I left Hope and it was freezing at the summit. I was up above the snow line at the summit. Toque, winter gloves, thick sweater, long pants and jacket were the things to have on. After the big climb it was a relief to be finally headed down hill to Princeton. But just a minute - The road wound down to the pleasant Similkameen River and started another long climb! That afternoon was spent cranking slowly uphill to the Sunday summit while keeping an eye on the weather behind me. A whiteout snow storm was closing in and threatening to blast me off the mountain. The storm and I both arrived in Princeton at the same time. The tent idea did not look to good at this time so once again I found a small but clean and cheap motel to hole up in for the night. Before calling it a day I had a quick look around the the little town which I called home from 1974 to 1976. An old house which was divided into four apartments was home for me and my lover at that time. I found the it still in use, divided into inexpensive apartments and inhabited by young couples. A faint odour of Ganja still clings to the place. After a quiet moment of reflection in front of the old house I headed back to the Motel. It had been an awfully long day and a warm dry bed sounded pretty good.

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