Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Elkford to Calgary

Early Friday morning May 21st Richard dropped me off and I started cycling for the border. The trip had taken a day longer than intended so far and now it was urgent that I get as far as possible. Shelley was headed in my direction to take me North and home to Calgary as today was Graduation day at SAIT. The climb over the Crowsnest pass is one of the easier ones because you have been gradually climbing ever since leaving Creston. From Sparwood it is only a couple hundred meters gain in elevation to get over the top. It was not raining but snow laden clouds raced by low overhead. The air was cold enough that I could see my breath and I went along like a steam engine. After a short pause at the summit for a photo the weather was looking menacing. Not far into Alberta a snow squall started. Just then our big blue Titan truck came around the corner! Excellent timing. After a happy hug with Shelley I piled the bike into the truck and promptly fell asleep in the back seat. We got to Calgary just in time for me to have a quick shower and change. Then it was off to SAIT to go to grad ceremonies. In the picture with Shelley and me are nephew Jason and his Honduran girlfriend, Nadia. The next few days will be spent in Calgary looking after outstanding things there. Then the next phase - hoboin' across the prairies.

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