Friday, July 9, 2010

July 9th Brewer to Milbridge ME

How can you tell that you are getting close to the ocean? One clue is that you start seeing lots of little seafood places called galleys. This place had Haddock, crab and lobster in various ways. I was anxious to get my first view of the Atlantic but things were conspiring against me this morning.
There's an old Irish cyclists curse that says "may a hot wind be in your face, all the hills be really steep and all your roads be under construction." See photo above. Road construction in Maine usually involves drilling and blasting because of the granite. This morning I was trying to figure out how I had angered the cycling gods who had put the curse on me.
Eventually they took pity on me and the wind shifted off to one side, the construction ended and the road flattened out somewhat. In the early afternoon I was treated to my first glimpse of the open ocean just above the sailboat. The scent of the sea had reached me an hour before this. To smell the salt air and seaweed is always a thrill and immediately brings back a flood of good memories.
Today I ended up in the town of Milbridge. This lovely old home is right beside the motel I'm in for the night. This place is not the exception here as the town is full of beautiful older homes. At one time the people here were doing very well for themselves. A home this size in Calgary would likely be a couple million dollars.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely with you on the sea scent......wonderful!
    What a way to end a day...
    cheers from Fernie,
