Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 3 St Albans to Morrisville

The scenic Adirondacks The leg cramping, lung popping, heart breaking Adirondacks. It was a steady steep climb up for the first two hours this morning. Then the roller coaster ride started. When it is like that it takes about double the time it would take to cover the same distance on the flat. It would have been not that bad but by noon the temp in the sun was about 100 Fn degrees. This is why I started the trip in May. To avoid the hot part of summer which I have done pretty well so far. Tomorrow I change my M.O. It will be up at first light (5:00 A.M). and knock off at Noon.
Northern Vermont is all about tourism. It is very attractive country with old towns dotted about the landscape. Many old barns are Antique stores or wood working shops. The area I'm passing through is close to Stowe which is a famous expensive ski area. Lots of beautiful high end homes tucked away off the road. The towns are filled with craft shops, bistros and educational institutions. River canoeing companies are packing racks of canoes around. There are lots of cyclists on the road zipping by me on ultralight racers. This covered bridge is near the village of Cambridge.
This is the Lamoille river which I am camped beside tonight. As soon as I had my tent set up and stuff tucked away I went for a wade in it. Kids were floating by on inner tubes. I was lucky to get a spot in the campground here because it was full but the manager let me pick a spot down by the river which was not actually a camp spot. I don't need anything, just a little patch of grass, so sometimes it pays off to be on a bike. Tomorrow I will get on highway 2 which goes across Maine.

1 comment:

  1. Dave and I bought my Dad to see his great granddaughter in Fernie. Just an overnite trip as he doesn't want to be away from his farm too long.
    also FYI - Faye Brennen is sellinbg her lot at Gray Creek, if you are interested????
    Will upload some pictures as soon as we get back to Kamloops
    ride carefully - Lynn
