Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6th Shelburn, N.H. to Rumford, Maine

Above is a photo of the road just west of the border into Maine. North New Hampshire is heavily wooded with mature trees hanging over the road. The shade is a welcome relief. The whole Eastern U.S. has been having a record heat wave with temps in the 100s F. I camped at Silver Birch campground but didn't sleep too well because of the heat. Got up early to get some miles in before it got too scorching hot. It was a good plan gut gang awry because shortly after entering Maine ran into 10 km of construction. When on a bicycle this is a real trial because the pavement is torn up and you end having to push in gravel at places. At other times you have to sit in the dust and searing heat waiting for traffic from the other direction. Car drivers don't have much patience for cyclists under those conditions.
After entering Maine things started to flatten out a bit as you travel along the Androscoggin River. Some good cropland was apparent along the road. This crop of potatoes was near Bethel You can almost see the heat waves shimmering off the land. Today I was using some of my old Kamloops cycling tricks. Go into every gas station and take your shirt off and soak it under a tap of cold water. Fill water bottles with tap water to keep it wet as it will dry out in about twenty minutes. Pour water through the holes in your bike helmet and down your back. Stuff paper towels in the front of your helmet to stop the sweat from running into your eyes. Drink about a liter of water each hour. Even with doing these things you can see on your heart rate monitor that your heart is under considerable stress and into the red zones as soon as you hit a bit of a grade. Then it is time to quit and get into someplace with AC.
This memorial in Rumford is the first one I have come across for the Civil war. That looks very much like a Civil war field cannon. The monument lists towns which contributed men to the Rumford regiment and also Mexico. Mexico! Why were they getting soldiers from Mexico? Turns out that Mexico is the name of a small town near here. I'll go through it first thing tomorrow morning.

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