Monday, July 5, 2010

July 5th North Concorde, Vermont to Shelburne, New Hampshire

After leaving the campground on the moose river this morning I passed over it on a bridge. Like a watery Troll a huge beaver came out from under it as I was taking a picture of the early morning mist on the water. He whacked his tail three times at me to say "keep moving you guy on the funny bike. This is my River and my woods and my mate. A slightly smaller beaver had come out to check what all the tail whacking was about. I had no desire to jump in the river and have it out with him so just moved along.
After about six miles this morning I crossed over into Lancaster, New Hampshire. Since it was still quite early traffic was light and I took this photo of this well maintained city. I have been impressed by the number and variety of churches in the places I have been passing through. I also made note of how deeply religious most Americans are. Not much is said in a conversation with them without God being brought in before long. They have great faith in the power of God. I don't know if this is a good thing or not. If it inspires them to great acts of courage and wisdom then it is. If they think God will look after things and they don't have too worry about the future then it is a very bad thing. If we make a mess of the world I don't think God is going to step in and fix it for us. That's my take on it anyway and we are running out of time! O.K enough about that.
Here's the inside of another sugar house I stuck my head into today. The big stainless tank in the middle is wherre the sap gets boiled. It takes about 100 gallons of sap to make a gallon of maple syrup. When you look at it that way it's not surprising that it's quite expensive.
Finally crossed the River into New Hampshire and left the rotten Adirondacks behind. So now the White mountains and dozens of other ranges in the Appalachians lie ahead. The highway shown here turned left and headed up into the hills you see here. Groan. At the end of the day I know when it is time to quit as flames start to lick at my calves, knees and tendons. I think I'm getting too old for this.

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