Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11th Pembroke to St. Andrews

This marker was beside the road a little north of Pembroke this morning. I momentarily toyed with the idea of going to the equator since I was halfway there already. Never mind - one trip at a time.
There are four fishing boats in the shot from just south of Calais. (They pronounce it Calis)It was a foggy drizzly day today. Great, I loved it until it really started hosing down and then -


Flat tire. No big deal. Last time I had a flat I bought a spare tube for the trailer and so had it changed, pumped up and ready to roll in twenty minutes. I set the bike back on it's wheels and turned to pick up the trailer pack. A big truck went by and blew the bike over. I picked it back up and loaded the trailer. When I got under way and checked the GPS for the time it was gone! It had flung off the handlebar when the bike was knocked over. After a half hour of crawling through the tall grass by the road I found it.
Got across the border into Canada at St. Stephens no problem. They immediately recognized me as a slightly demented but harmless transcontinental cyclist. They get special training to be able to do this. The photo above is the world famous Ganongs chocolate factory in St. Steven. You have probably eaten chocolate from there. The front part is a museum but I didn't see it advertised anywhere that you could actually taste the chocolates so just kept going.
Echo Lodge, Lower Bayside, just west of St. Andrews. This rambling old Farmhouse was built by my great great grandfather, William MacCoubrey. It was nice to see that it was being kept in good shape by the current owners who I did not get to meet as no one was at home. Our mother, Jean, always spoke fondly of the good times had here when she went to grandad's farm in the summertime.

Front tire in the Atlantic. I had to drag the bike a half a mile across mud flats to get this photo as it was low tide and the tides here are huge. Pretty good feeling to have made it across the country. No one there so I just put the camera on a rock with the timer and jumped in the picture as I have done many times. Tomorrow the bike will go on the bus to Calgary and I'll get myself to St. John to catch a plane to Calgary. End of trip. Hope you enjoyed the blog.


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!
    A ride well done.
    Loved tagging along on your trip by blog.....
    Have a good trip home. We'll see you out west.
    Cheers from Fernie,
    Sandy and Bernie xoxo

  2. Congratulations. this was a great way for me to cycle across Canada, sitting at home waiting for your blog to come in. Hoping to see you soon with many pictures and stories. Will see if I can fix my printer and print this off for my father as he was very interested in reading your blog. take care and have a safe trip home - Lynn

  3. Ian;

    Congratulations!! Keith and I have been following your blog with interest and were sopleased to have palyed a samll part in your adventure!

    Anne Bell
