Monday, June 21, 2010

Seney to the Soo

Finished crossing the U.P. to the Soo today. The photo above was taken in the small town of MacMillan. This is one of several abandoned old brick schools which I passed along the U.P. I suspect this was due to declining populations in the area. Many large underground copper mines once employed thousands but none are left. The forest industry has largely been mechanized so no where the number of men are needed.
This is Peaches. She was with her sister and a young family at a rest stop. Peaches' mom is a Boston who became involved with an English Bulldog unexpectedly. She looked like a Boston on steroids. What a chubby little barrel of energy she was. I squeezed her more than I should have but she didn't mind.
This is a common sight across the U.P. too. A closed down Motel or cabins. For each one that is open there appears to one that has been closed and taken over by weeds. Probably a combination of factors. One being declining population and economy and also the rise of the Motor home and travel trailer.
I spent a fair chunk of the day passing through the Hiawatha National Forest. This is a typical hardwood forest with lots of Maple, Oak and Elm. It must be impressive in the fall. Spent an awful long day in the saddle today to get to the Soo. Had a partial tail wind and made about 140 kms. so 400 kms. in the last three days. Too much. My legs were telling me to quit by the end of today. Mike and his sister met me in the Soo and took me across the bridge because it is freeway and you are not allowed to cycle across it. I thought that strange but was told the same thing by two separate people so did not want to risk it. Looking forward to a day off tomorrow.


  1. congratulations - back in Canada

  2. Please tell me you stole that puppy and are bringing it back home with you! What a little cutie :)
