Saturday, June 19, 2010

Harvey to Seney

Picnic by Superior. This is another place that I remember us stopping at ten years ago. Just East of Marquette. Highway 28 follows the south shore of the lake for several miles and there are scenic stretches of beach. I remember swimming way out into Superior until the girls were concerned that I might swim over the edge of the earth. Seagulls were floating overhead in hopes that I would drown and they would have me for lunch.
While in the U.P. you have to have a pasty. They are a meat and potato pie which I'm pretty sure used to be the main component in the traditional miners lunch. Brought from Cornwall by the miners from there. This is mining country so that's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
This is the famous Seney straight. The road is laser straight and pancake flat for 40 kms. I got here kind of late in the day and was wondering if it would be a good idea to attempt another 40 km. with nothing but bush and swamp to the next tiny place. The wind was to my back and Abba was playing "Dancing Queen" so I went for it. One of the most enjoyable bits of riding so far. Did the 40 km in two hours. 260 km last two days. Not to bad for an old retired guy!


  1. 240 ks, you're right, thats pretty good for an old retired guy. take care - Lynn

  2. Happy Father's Day

    June 20th
    I am back up at Firebag. Glad to hear that you are now back on Canadian soil. I called your hosts and they were expecting you any hour ...they also mentioned that the cottage country they dwell in has poor or no internet. I understand it might be a few days till your next blog entry. Keep safe oxoxox Shelley
