Thursday, June 10, 2010

Camped beside the Red River last night and woke up to a good heavy downpour. I stalled around waiting for it to let up a bit but no such luck. Near Fisher Minnesota I came across this well maintained pet cemetery and couldn't go past.
I t was built by Don Hartje as is explained in this plaque to help him deal with the loss of his son.
There were hundreds of plaques and headstones like these with a huge amount of love and loss commemorated.
As Marion once stated in her blog - Los Adventuras de Meme- "my face was raining" when I left this spot. That was O.K. though as it was hosing down and no one could see. The loss of our little Boston is still not far under the surface and this just brought it back to mind. In a human cemetery the inscriptions are a mixture of respect,dignity and loss. It a pet cemetery it is just pure love and grief which comes through.

Pretty miserable day today with bucking a 30 km. an hour headwind which nearly brought me to a standstill at times. Rain never let up. Pedalled for five hours and only made 45 kms. Almost not worth it but at least that is 45 km. I don't have to do tomorrow.When it started raining so hard that I could not see I gave up and got a Motel. Hit a Laundromat and threw the tent and everything in a dryer. Hopefully a better day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you know that the weather isn't much better here, lots of rain and wind. Saturday is suppose to be nice, finally. take care - Lynn
