Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8 Skowhegan to Brewer

Here's an old mill which is beside the Kennebec River in Skowhegan. You can sit on the patio and watch the water coming over the hydro dam just out sight on the right side of the picture. Maine is a very attractive state, very much like New Brunswick with lots of forest, lakes and big salmon rivers.
Here's an example of what I mean by attractive. This tree lined road is just East of Skowhegan. Nice way to start the day with a smooth cruise along this river. It was cool for the first bit this morning but by noon it had heated up into the eighties again. Most of the day was spent grinding up steep hills. In some places too steep to pedal up so had to get off and push. Constant up and down which gradually wears you down. The old bent bike is not a good hill climber. It would much rather be cruising along on the flat. Nevertheless still did 90 km. today
For the last several days I've been seeing lots of pickups which are dump trucks. About one ton trucks with dump boxes on them. I think the main reason for this is firewood. Lots of homes have firewood piled out in the yard. It is probably the cheapest way to heat in this area and a small dump truck is the perfect machine to haul and dump a load of wood. Here someone has neatly stacked his winters worth of wood in the yard. This scene with it's split rail fence could have been taken two hundred years ago if it were not for the travel trailer in the background.

Bangor on the Penobscot river. Pretty city. It reminds me very much of Inverness in the Northern Highlands which also sits on an excellent salmon river. The river Ness which flows out of Loch Ness of monster fame. As far as I know no good whiskey comes out of Bangor though.


  1. how much longer on the road???
    You must be in such great shape by now!!!!

  2. the kamloops summer is here yesterday and today, 37 degrees here today and just about that yesterday. Too Hot. Actually to much of a temp change in the last few days.
    take care - Lynn
