Monday, May 24, 2010

On to the Okanagan

Sunday was not a day of rest. It looked like an easy pedal to Keremeos and then over a short pass and down to O.K. falls. The one wild card when you are cycling is the wind. This can half or double the time taken to get to your destination. This day the wind gods conspired to blow me back to Princeton. Nevertheless I hunkered down and slowly gained ground towards Keremeos.
After a noon break in Hedley I eventually rolled into the first fruit stand so far. A fruit stand is a good thing when you are on a bike. There are always cold drinks and juicy things you can bite into by the side of the road. It took two hours after leaving Keremeos to make the climb up to Yellow lake. The little canon camera I am using was scratching for light when I got this shot of a guy in a canoe. Fish were jumping everywhere. It was nearly dark by the time I zipped down the other side to O.K. falls and Gramma Carries house. There a smiling Gramma Carrie and a big hot bowl of Chicken noodle soup was waiting for me.

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